I could not believe my eyes when i saw those two red lines from the home pregnancy test i bought. It all started when my husband and I moved in together after we got married in this small appartment. I was still in school then and really was not planning on getting pregnant yet. My plans were to finish school, get a job and then start a family. But it all came as a surprise when i realized that my monthly period did not come. So I went out and bought me a home pregnancy test. While doing it I was actually pretty excited but still had that fear inside of me. If i was to get pregnant I would have to quit school! and i would have to tell my mother about it, who by the way was the one paying for my school tuition. Well as I had suspected it, I'm pregnant!! I dread telling my mom but when she found out, she was actually okay with it and was all excited to be a grandmother.
Right now I am 6 months pregnant and I am to be a mom. My husband and I are more than excited to meet out first child.
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